SEMINARIO: “Processing of composites of polymers and carbon based nanoparticles"

21 Novembre 2018, ore 14:00 – Aula Archimede Macroarea di Ingegneria.

La Prof.ssa Francesca Nanni ha organizzato il seminario dal titolo: “Processing of composites of polymers and carbon based nanoparticles”. Il Relatore sara’ il Prof. Tony McNally.
Despite almost two decades of research effort with regard composites of carbon nanoparticles and polymers, their widespread commercial exploitation has yet to be fully realised. This in the main is a consequence of the combined challenges of achieving effective dispersion and distribution of nanoparticles in polymer melts and of fully characterizing and modelling the interface between particle and polymer across the length scales. An appreciation of the parameters which govern nanoparticle dispersion during melt mixing has been studied intensively for only a small number of polymer/CNT systems and much less so for composites of polymers and graphene(GO). It has been proposed that CNT dispersion in polymer melts follows three distinct mechanisms; infiltration of the polymer melt into CNT primary agglomerates, agglomerate rupture and erosion of CNTs from agglomerate surfaces, all of which are governed by the melt temperature and the forces acting on the melt during mixing. Typically, the relationship between varying processing parameters, including screw speed, residence time, melt temperature, screw configuration, and nanoparticle dispersion is investigated using a combination of microscopic techniques and the extent of nanoparticle dispersion interpreted by assessing nanoparticle network formation studied using electrical and rheological techniques. Processing variables as well as thermodynamic considerations also play a role in the localization of CNTs in immiscible polymer blends. The majority of the published literature has focused on understanding the factors which effect nanoparticle dispersion during mixing. However, the as-extruded polymer carbon nanoparticle composite can then experience a second thermo-mechanical cycle as in injection moulding. Furthermore, secondary processing in the solid state and quasi-solid state, as in thermoforming and blow moulding, of composites of polymers and carbon nanoparticles has largely been ignored to date. Efforts are also on-going to improve nanoparticle dispersion by using a combination of processing techniques, including using a three roll mill after melt mixing in a twin screw extruder. The presentation will provide an overview of processing of composites and blends of polymers and carbon based nanoparticles, with a focus on carbon nanotubes.

WORKSHOP con Bridgestone EMEA Technical Center

18 Giugno 2018, ore 09:00 – Aula Leonardo Macroarea di Ingegneria.
Il workshop “Tire Research” organizzato insieme al Centro Tecnico Europeo della Bridgestone.
– Mescole: sviluppo di nuovi parametri predittivi
– Mescole: utilizzo di nuovi materiali per miglioramento di prestazioni su bagnato, neve & ghiaccio
– Reverse Engineering / Deformulation: caratterizzazione di mescole tramite metodi innovativi di analisi simultanee “hyphenated tecniques”
– Tribologia: studio della meccanica del contatto (interazione pattern – mescola su superfici low grip: bagnato, neve & ghiaccio)
– Circular economy: Sustainability and recyclibility
– Vibroacustica e aeroacustica: metodi e modelli di predizione numerica / metodologie sperimentali di misura e diagnostica
– Digital – App development – Artificial intelligence/Machine Learning/Algorithm development – web services/back end solutions
– Meccatronica-Elettronica: Tire sensors and RF transmission
– Innovative Testing Machine Design: Indoor Winter Testing Facility Development / Testing Machine Integration/Upgrade
– Testing automation
– Predictive maintenance
Vista la multidisciplinarietà delle tematiche è previsto, nella seconda parte dell’evento, un approfondimento degli specifici argomenti in 4 sessioni parallele.
Nell’ambito di ogni specifica sessione ci si potrà confrontare sia con i manager del centro tecnico sia con i docenti direttamente coinvolti nei settori di ricerca interessati.
L’iniziativa ha come scopo anche quello di consolidare e/o definire nuove collaborazioni nell’ambito delle aree tematiche di comune interesse.

SEMINARIO: “The solar city: PV potential in the urban environment"

29 Maggio 2018,  ore 10:00 – Aula Galileo Macroarea di Ingegneria.
Contemporary urban landscapes with high rising buildings offer relatively little room for solar energy applications on roofs. This talk will explore the potential of extending solar PV to building façades, discussing its potential, and how to assess it, and how to get the most out of it. Solar potential on façades is assessed using 3D modelling based on LiDAR data. Results show that façades can double the solar potential of a modern city, in spite of lower irradiation and hence higher cost. This leads to the discussion of how to maximize PV on vertical features but also on the possibility to better adjust supply and demand in residential buildings with PV systems, in particular for solar communities.
CV of Miguel Centeno Brito
Miguel is a physicist with PhD from University of Oxford, UK, currently Assistant Professor in the Earth Science and Energy Department of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon. With 20 years of experience with solar power, he has worked on material sciences for solar cells and, more recently, on solar resource assessment and forecasting, PV performance, PV systems in the urban environment, solar electrification for remote areas and the role of solar energy in future energy scenarios. He has about 40 papers in international scientific journals. He is the leader of the Energy Transition Group and Board Member of the Instituto Dom Luis, Associated Research Centre of the University of Lisbon.

PUBBLICAZIONE BANDO 34° ciclo del Dottorato (scadenza 11/06/2018 ore 16:00)

Si comunica che è stato pubblicato il bando per il 34° ciclo del Dottorato. Le domande devono essere presentate entro il giorno 11 giugno 2018 alle ore 16:00.
Il bando è reperibile al seguente link:
Posti a concorso: 7

Borsa Ateneo: n. 2

Posti senza borsa: n. 1

Borse finanziate dal Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Impresa “Mario Lucertini”: n. 1

Posti riservati a borsisti di Stati Esteri: n. 2

Posti riservati a dipendenti delle pubbliche amministrazioni: n. 1

SEMINARIO: “Semi-analytical modeling of non-stationary fluid-structure interaction: framework, validation and applications”

24-26 Aprile 2018,  ore 09:00 – Aula Galileo Macroarea di Ingegneria.

Il seminario è  stato organizzato dal Prof. Marco Biancolini e sara’ tenuto dal Dr. Serguei Iakovlev
The semi-analytical methodology developed over the past decade for modeling the interaction between submerged structures and high-frequency, non-stationary loads such as shock waves and pressure pulses is discussed. First, the theoretical framework based on the use of the classical methods of mathematical physics is outlined, and the challenges that were encountered while developing it are highlighted. Then, the validation of the framework against a number of available experimental datasets is addressed. Finally, the application of the methodology to a number of problems of industrial relevance is discussed. Applications to the analysis of simpler, classical systems are considered first, progressing to outlining the efforts in studying more complex scenarios (a shell filled with and submerged into different fluids, a submerged shell subjected to a multi-front shock loading, and structurally complex shell systems).
Dr. Serguei Iakovlev graduated from the St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, Russia (M.Eng., PhD), and completed his postdoctoral studies as a Killam Postdoctoral Fellow at Dalhousie University, Canada, where he is now a professor in the Department of Engineering Mathematics and Internetworking. Dr. Iakovlev specializes in mathematical modeling of non-stationary fluid-structure interaction, mostly with application to naval architecture and ocean engineering. His research program has been supported by grants and contracts from both private and public sector.

SEMINARIO: “Real Processing-in-Memory with Memristive Memory Processing Unit”

22 Marzo 2018, ore 10:30 – Aula Pitagora Macroarea di Ingegneria.

Il Prof. Giacomo Falcucci ha organizzato il seminario dal titolo: “Real Processing-in-Memory with Memristive Memory Processing Unit”. Il relatore sara’ il Prof. Shahar Kvatinsky.
Shahar è un Professore del Tachnion di Israele ed ha vinto un prestigioso ERC sulla realizzazione di nuovi controller di memoria.

SEMINARIO: "Flexible Engineering"

14 Dicembre 2017, ore 09:00 – Aula Pitagora Macroarea di Ingegneria.

The University of Rome “Tor Vergata” will guest the workshop titled “Flexible Engineering Toward Green Aircraft“. The event is organized by Marco Evangelos Biancolini and Ubaldo Cella, respectively professor of Machine Design and researcher at the Enterprise Engineering department “Mario Lucertini”. The workshop comes as conclusion of two EU funded research projects in which the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” was involved: RBF4AERO and RIBES. The aim is to present the status of research in the aerospace field and to highlight the recent achievements in analysis and design methodologies adopted in the aircraft design process. Professors and engineers active in EU research programs, from several academic, industry and research institutions, will provide an overview on topics as Aeroelasticity, Aerodynamic Robust Design and Shape Optimization.
RIBES logoRBF4AERO logoclean-sky logoSeventhFrameworkProgramme logo
Particular attention is addressed to fluid-structure numerical methodologies to face static and dynamic aeroelastic problems. In aerospace engineering, in fact, the flexibility of structures plays a crucial role in several aspects of design processes. The capability to evaluate the interaction between aerodynamic, inertia and elastic forces is important to avoid drag penalties, control system efficiency loss and generation of potentially dangerous phenomena as divergence, control reversal and flutter. A significant part of the agenda is dedicated to the progress of “high fidelity” CFD-CSM coupling and to the description of the recent experimental activities performed to support the validation of numerical Fluid-Structure Interaction analysis methodologies.
The workshop is addressed to students and engineers who want to be updated on the state of the art in aerospace technologies. The participation is free but people interested in attending the event are kindly asked to register or to contact professor Biancolini.