Research Project: Ottimizzazione dei Processi di Taglio e Pulizia Laser per Applicazioni Industria (Optimization of Laser Cleaning and Cutting Processes for Industrial Applications)
Dottorato in Ingegneria per la Progettazione e Produzione Industriale
Research Project: Ottimizzazione dei Processi di Taglio e Pulizia Laser per Applicazioni Industria (Optimization of Laser Cleaning and Cutting Processes for Industrial Applications)
Research Project: Dinamica non lineare di molle elicoidali (Nonlinear dynamics of helical springs)
Research Project: In-situ consolidation (ISC) of thermoplastic fiber reinforced material materials: a process validation for PPS, PEEK and PEKK Polimers matrix
Research Project: Engineering of modified polymeric materials, with high mechanical resistance and high transparency
Research Project: Development and characterization of advanced alloys using advanced processing techniques
Research Project: Form-finding analysis for asymmetric offset deployable mesh reflector antennas
Research Project: Development of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers utilizing Recycled Fibers
Thesis title: Fostering maintenance management’s evolution in the Industry 4.0 era: an innovative approach to maintenance planning and fault detection
Thesis title: Development of innovative polymeric composite magnets for the ALM printing of aerospace components
Thesis title: Photovoltaic power forecasting methods and applications to support high solar penetration