Thesis title: Design and manufacturing of passive smart materials for a coustic applications
Author: Amministratore
Belardi Valerio – Final exam 12/04/2019
Thesis title: Anisogrid composite lattice shells and their composite bolted joints: theoretical and numerical modeling, structural analysis and optimization
Almonti Daniele – Final exam 12/04/2019
Thesis title: Identification and optimization of process parameters in the application of graphene layers
Simoncini Alessandro – Final exam 10/04/2018
Thesis title: Maximization of heat exchange through new materials and new technologies for the development of compact heat exchangers with high efficiency
Silvestri Luca – Final exam 10/04/2018
Thesis title: Development and implementation of new strategies for mesh motion and data interepolation in cfd applications
Rinaldi Marianna – Final exam 10/04/2018
Thesis title: Innovative Materials for Aerospace Applications via Additive Layer Manufacturing
Chiappa Andrea – Final exam 10/04/2018
Thesis title: Development and validation of a balanced load mapping method
Cherubini Valeria – Final exam 10/04/2018
Thesis title: Reuse of industrial and agricultural wastes as sustainable constituents “GREEN TIRE” Project
Baiocco Gabriele – Final exam 10/04/2018
Thesis title: Implementation of artificial intelligence system in the context of industry 4.0
Vivio Francesco
- Full Professor
- Address: Via del Politecnico, 1 – 00133 Roma – Italy / 1st floor of the “Industrial Engineering” building / room n. 1054/13
- E-mail:
- Phone: 06-72797123
Scientific disciplinary sector: ING-IND/14